Debka Arabic Robe
I will dress up in an abaya (Arab robe)
And go out to the village.
On my head I’ll put a keffiyah (Arab headdress)
On my horse I’ll gallop.
At the time the girls come out to the trough
I’ll come to the village.
Perhaps there a lovely young woman
Is longing for me.
Hey, giddyup!
Rush, my horse, rush for me.
Hey, giddyup!
Rush, my horse, rush for me.
Don’t fear for me, because alone
I gallop on my path.
When I return the girl will ride with me:
My lovely young woman.
Don’t fear for me, because alone
I gallop on my path.
When I return the girl will ride with me:
My lovely young woman.
From morning to evening
(The thought of) this night strikes me.
On the road I’ll cover myself with a veil
And my pitcher will be as a confidant.
As I kneel to draw water from the trough
My heart will pound towards the pitcher.
On my horse, suddenly, my beloved
Will arrive at the trough.
Hey, giddyup!
Rush, my horse, rush for me.
Hey, giddyup!
Rush, my horse, rush for me.
Don’t fear for me, that alone
I’ll return from my trough.
For he will come – with him I’ll gallop
And his path will be my path.
Don’t fear for me, that alone
I’ll return from my trough.
For he will come – with him I’ll gallop
And his path will be my path.
I will dress up in an abaya (Arab robe)
And go out to the village.
On my head I’ll put a keffiyah (Arab headdress)
On my horse I’ll gallop.
At the time the girls come out to the trough
I’ll come to the village.
Perhaps there a lovely young woman
Is longing for me.
Hey, giddyup!
Rush, my horse, rush for me.
Don’t fear for me, that alone
I’ll return from my trough.
For he will come – with him I’ll gallop
And his path will be my path.
Don’t fear for me, that alone
I’ll return from my trough.
For he will come – with him I’ll gallop
And his path will be my path.