

  • Lyrics: Haim Heffer
  • Music: Folk
  • Arrangements: Shem Tov Levi
  • Album: Homeland Songs 2 (1985)

Translated by Malka Tischler


Irises –
Her eyes are beautiful – irises
And my heart longs for her –
Come, come, come!*

I will surely die
I’ll pick a flower for her – I’ll surely die!
Till dawn I’ll wait for her
Come, come, come!*

Evening descends and again she passes by
And in my heart, it’s like a sword
Will I again see your two eyes? – Come!

The sun sets
In her lips, the sun sets
The light of sunset is beautiful on her
Come, come, come!*

Morning comes and again she passes by
And in my heart, it’s like a sword
Will I again kiss you lips? – Come!

The wind sails
Through her hair, the wind sails
Oh, how my night calls to her:
Come, come, come!*

Dawn rises and again she passes by
And in my heart, it’s like a sword
Will I again see your two eyes? – Come!
Will I again see your two eyes? – Come!

Irises –
The whole world is irises –
Only her heart is a stone –
Come, come, come!*

* Ela – Greek word for “come”