With You Tonight
Night comes, it calls out our names
Calls to you, calls also to me.
Night comes, calls to the two of us
To return to it, lovers again.
To return to it from wars
And from endless battles.
And to love, to love again.
You wander among the mountains
You don’t know your way.
And in the heights the angels
Sing a song of love to you.
Return to me, in uniform
Into the peace and silence here.
Because only with you, and only with you,
are things good.
Night – to dance with you all night
To dance with you into the night
And to sink into your eyes
Night – to dance with you all night
To dance with you into the night
And to sink into your eyes
And if you fall and can’t get up
I am with you as you fall.
And if, among all that surround you
No one stands by your side.
Call out to me, I am yours
With the radiance of hope.
Just like the sweetness, of the warmth
of your good heart
Night – to dance with you all night
To dance with you into the night
And to sink into your eyes
Night – to dance with you all night
To dance with you into the night
And to sink into your eyes
Because only with you, and only with you,
are things good
Night – to dance with you all night
To dance with you into the night
And to sink into your eyes