Delicate Hand

Delicate Hand

  • Lyrics: Zalman Shne’or
  • Music: Folk Arabic
  • Arrangements: Shem Tov Levi
  • Album: Homeland Songs 1 (1983)

Translated with the help of Brian Vinik.


Oh, she had a delicate hand
No one dared to touch it
Her pair of lips were scarlet grace
They were made to be kissed
Oh, mother, they were made to be kissed

Oh, she had a dark eye
Light and shade clashed in it
Light tremored on her forehead
Freshness of youth, full of beauty
Oh, Mother, the freshness of youth, full of beauty

Oh, and there was evening and there was night
silent held shade to shade
So she gave her heart to him
She gave him the whole heart
Oh, mother, she gave him all her heart

Oh, she had a delicate hand