1976 - Ofra is touring the US with a group of Israeli artists on a tour called " Here is Israel".
March 13th, 1988 - Ofra performs in Scottish-Rite Auditorium, San Francisco
March 18th, 1988 - New York Times dedicates a special report to Ofra on the first page of its weekend edition, including a picture of her dressed in Yemenite style.
March 19th, 1988 - Ofra performs in Hunter College, Manhattan.
July 23rd, 2988 - ABC network dedicates a special report to Ofra, in which they film her in Israel. The American reporter ended the report saying: "You have to admit Ofra Haza is something special".
November 14th, 1988 - Ofra is interviewed for an hour on 'Morning Becomes Eclectic' radio show hosted by Tom Schnabel in KCRW-FM in Santa Montana, Los Angeles.
December 1988 - Vouge magazine dedicates a complimentary report to Ofra and adds a picture of her dressed in Yemenite style.
May 9th, 1989 - Ofra wins a special award in Monte Carlo for becoming Best Selling Israeli Singer of All Times.
October 26th, 1989 - Ofra wins a prize for Album of the Year for 'Shaday'.
March 9th, 1990 - Ofra is interviewed on the 'Tonight Show with Johnny Carson'.
January 23rd and 25th, 1992 - Ofra performs in Next Generation Festival, dedicated to Yemenite culture in the BAM Opera House in Brooklyn.
March 22nd, 1992 - Ofra performs at Woodsworth Theater, Los Angeles.
March 27th, 1992 - Ofra performs at the Requiem Theater, Los Angeles.
March 28th, 1992 - Ofra is interviewed by Tom Schnabel on his Radio show, including a live performance in the studio.
February 3rd, 1993 - Ofra is interviewed on Cafe L.A radio show by Tom Schnabel.
February 25th, 1993 - Ofra is a nominee for the Grammy award for Kirya.
March 15th, 1993 - Ofra performs at Beecher theater, Orlando, Florida.
June 29th, 1996 - Ofra performs at Taj Mahal, Atlantic City, New York.
1986 - The TV show 'Women of the World' dedicates a special report to Ofra, including an interview. Ofra on Women of the World
July 1986 - Ofra is performing 5 charity performances for Jewish schools in Argentina. The tour made a media interest, and Oftra was invited to to interviews on TV, radio and newspapers.
1986 - Ofra released El Album De Oro - a special hits album in Hebrew with Spanish titles.
June 2nd, 1989 - Ofra wins first prize at the Tokyo Music Festival in front of a crowd of 7000 people.
1944 - Ofra's parents emigrate from Yemen to Israel.
1995 - Ofra receives an official invitation to visit the country and meet the President, but the invitation was not carried out because of the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yizhaq Rabin.
1997 - Ofra receives a second invitation for an official visit in Yemen, but again it is not undertaken.
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July, 1988 - Ofra performs as a guest of honor in an International festival in the city of Kas.
1988 - The album 'Yemenite Songs' receives many plays on Radio 101, which also played a 10 minute interview with Ofra.
September 23rd, 1988 - Ofra performs in the TV show Golden Sail.
September 26th, 1988 - Ofra is interviewed by radio station DJ Radio and by TV stations across the country.
February 2nd, 1991 - An Italian shooting crew films Ofra whilst visiting a house that was hit by an Iraqi missile.
February 1991 - Ofra performs in San Remo Festival, singing 'Today I'll Pray'.
July 1988 - Im Nina'lu reaches top in the charts.
July 13th, 1990 - Ofra performs in Montreux Jazz Festival.
1986 - Ofra releases a single called 'Aime Moi', containing 2 songs in French written especially for her.
June 19th, 1988 - Ofra performs in the pop TV show Formula 1, the German equivalent to the British Top of the Pops.
May 13th, 1994 - Ofra is invited to Kan Festival for a festive premiere of 'Queen Margot'.
April 23rd, 1983 - Ofra performs in the Eurovision Song Contest with the song "Hai", and wins second place. Shortly after she releases the song in English, German and French versions.
June 25th, 1988 - Ofra performs in the Soccer Cup graduation party in Frankfurt.
October 8th, 1988 - Ofra wins Golden Lion Prize for Hot TV Star of 1988 in a ceremony that was broadcast from Dortmund live across Europe.
December 2nd, 1988 - Ofra receives Pop Singer of the Year Prize from the state television network in the Olympia Hall, Munich.
1988 - Im Nin'alu reaches the top in the charts.
1988 - The album 'Shaday' wins platinum album for selling over 250,000 copies in Germany.
June 15th, 1990 - Ofra performs in Harmony Hall, Berlin.
April 21st, 1988 - Dutch Television devotes a special program to Israel 40th anniversary, and in the footage from Israel Ofra performs along with Cliff Richard.
April 4th, 1988 - Ofra performs in a special performance at the final phase of the Crossing Border Festival in the Queen Elizabeth Hall.
December 10th, 1994 - Ofra performs at the Nobel Peace Prize Award Ceremony in Oslo. The Belgian Prince - Philip who watches the ceremony, is enchanted with Ofra and invites her to dinner.
December 11th, 1994 - Ofra performs in a special concert dedicated to Peace Prize winners with Sinead O'connor.